Using Vagrant to Deploy an Ubuntu Server running KVM

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With all this talk about VMware vs KVM I figured that I would attempt to load a base install of KVM to see what it was all about.

Here is a quick vagrant runbook that will quickly get a 3 linux servers deployed and installed with KVM to play with.

There are 3 nodes..MGMT01,KVM01 and KVM02. I use MGMT01 VMM to manage KVM01 and KVM02.

The code can be found here.

The file runs the following commands to install KVM.

1sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends lubuntu-desktop -y
2sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm qemu-system libvirt-bin bridge-utils virt-manager -y
3sudo adduser vagrant libvirtd
4sudo reboot
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