Using PowerCLI to Deploy the Pure Storage VMware Appliance

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Now that the latest Pure Storage vSphere Client Plugin is available as a remote plugin is is now deployed as an OVA. I have put together this quick script to automate deploying of the Pure Storage VMware Appliance.


Preparing to Execute the Script

The script is pretty straight forward, you will need to fill in the appropriate variables on the script.

 1$vcname = ""
 2$vcuser = "[email protected]"
 3$vcpass = "VMware1!"
 6$ovffile = "C:\share\pure-vmware-appliance_3.2.0-prod-signed.ova" #Online OVA
 7$cluster = "MyCluster"
 8$vmnetwork = "MyNetwork"
 9$datastore = "MyDatastore"
10$vmfolder = "MyFolder"
11$vmname = ""
12$vmip = ""
13$netmask = ""
14$gateway = ""
15$dns1 = ""
16$dns2 = ""
17$appliancetype = "vSphere Remote Client Plugin" #"VM Analytics Collector","vSphere Remote Client Plugin", "None (Offline Installation)"
18$dhcp = $false #true if dhcp, false if static

Execute the Script

Run the following command.



Hope this script helps you out, leave any feedback or questions below.

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