Using UCS PowerTool To Generate Tech Supports
Automation, Automation, Automation! I had to download some support bundles for every chassis in our multiple zones. Instead of manually going through the GUI, I figured why not script it! This script will connect to each UCS domain and automatically generate a support bundle and download it for each chassis.
Link to Script
Preparing to Execute the Script
The script is pretty straight forward, just need to define a few variables seen below and then you execute the script. I will walk you through the process.
1#Define Variables
2$cred = Get-Credential
3$domains = "ucs01.lab.local","ucs02.lab.local"
4$fileloc = "C:\Users\david\desktop\logs\"
6#Cycles through each UCS creating a tech support for each chassis.
7Foreach ($ucs in $domains) {
8Connect-UCS $ucs -Credential $cred
9$Chassis = Get-UCSChassis
10 Foreach ($chassis in $chassis) {
11 $id = $
12 $filename = "$fileloc$ucs-techsupp-chassis-$id.tar"
13 Get-UcsTechSupport -PathPattern $filename -RemoveFromUcs -TimeoutSec 600 -ChassisId $id -CIMC 'all'
14 }
Execute the Script
- Run .\Create-UCSTechSupport.ps1