Using PowerCLI to Replicate Templates to Multiple Clusters
We have multiple clusters within our vCenters that are defined as a rack. Each rack has its own storage, so storage is not shared between clusters. I needed to develop a way to easily replicate templates between clusters, so a local copy existed on each cluster to take advantage of VAAI.
I really wanted to utilize the vSphere Content Libary for these, but there is currently no publicly available documentation on how to deploy a VM from a Content Library via a Script. I am hoping when that is available, I will update this post.
Link to Script
Preparing to Execute the Script
The script is pretty straight forward, just need to define a few variables seen below and then you execute the script. I will walk you through the process.
This script assumes the datastore you would like to deploy to is a datastore cluster. Mine are named cluster-dsc so this script was easily scaleable.
1#Import PowerCLI Module
2Add-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core
4#Define Variables
5$Credential = Get-Credential
6$vCenter = "vcenter.lab.local"
7$clusters = "Cluster01","Cluster02"
8$location = "Templates"
9$templates = "Template1","Template2"
11#Connect to vCenter
12Connect-VIServer $vCenter -Credential $Credential
14foreach ($template in $templates){
15 foreach ($cluster in $clusters){
16 #Check if Template exists
17 Try{Get-Template $template-$cluster -ErrorAction Stop;$TemplateExists = $true}Catch {$TemplateExists = $false}
18 #Create VM
19 If($TemplateExists -eq $true){
20 #Remove Old Template
21 Get-Template -Name $template-$cluster |Remove-Template -DeletePermanently -Confirm:$false
22 #Clone the Template
23 New-VM -Name $template-$cluster -Template $template -ResourcePool $cluster -Datastore $cluster-DSC -Location $location
24 #Convert to Template
25 Set-VM -VM $template-$cluster -ToTemplate -Confirm:$false
26 }
27 ElseIf($TemplateExists -eq $false){
28 #Clone the Template
29 New-VM -Name $template-$cluster -Template $template -ResourcePool $cluster -Datastore $cluster-DSC -Location $location
30 #Convert to Template
31 Set-VM -VM $template-$cluster -ToTemplate -Confirm:$false
32 }
33 }
35#Disconnect from vCenter
36Disconnect-VIServer $vCenter -Force -Confirm:$false
Execute the Script
- Run .\CloneTemplateToClusters.ps1