Welcome to the first of many Pure Storage blogs. As I get ramped up with the latest information I plan to do a series of getting started with Pure Storage features. These blogs will cover things such as the vSphere Client (HTML5) Plugin, FlashArray, FlashBlade and integrations with other VMware products. First up is learning to install and update the Pure Storage vSphere Client Plugin.
Read MoreWhen the unfortunate reduction in force (RIF) struck in January at VMware, I was in disbelief and didn’t even know where to start. Over the past two years I had the amazing opportunity to not only present to customers and partners in places I never imagined, but the ability to be an internal subject matter expert and create some amazing content. VMware is an amazing place to work and the relationships I’ve made and my impact to the products are beyond things I thought I could ever accomplish.
Read MoreCurrently working on the final steps of getting our new equipment configured. The next step was to configure Syslog on all of our Pure Arrays. Another reason to script this task! Easily populate your arrays and server and at the click of a button you can configure all your arrays easily. Pre-Requsites PureStorage Powershell SDK Link to Script Set-PureStorageSyslog.ps1 Preparing to Execute the Script The script is pretty straight forward, just need to define a few variables seen below and then you execute the script.
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