Welcome to my post about upgrading your VMware vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA) to 6.0 U1b.
This process is very straight forward. We will begin with updating our Platform Service Controllers (PSC) and then proceed with the vCenter Appliance.
- SSH to your Primary PSC.
- If you are currently in the bash shell, type appliancesh to switch shells to run the update.
- Run software-packages install –url –acceptEulas to download and install the packages from the VMware Repo.
- You can use the –ISO switch or supply a custom url as well if needed.
- Sit back and wait. Once it is finished …
It is now VCAP6-Design study time! Here is my blueprint laid out, and hopefully will be populated with some content.
Section 1 – Create a vSphere Conceptual Design
Objective 1.1 – Gather and analyze business requirements
Skills and Abilities
- Associate a stakeholder with the information that needs to be collected.
- Utilize inventory and assessment data from a current environment to define a baseline state.
- Analyze customer interview data to explicitly define customer #### Objectives for a conceptual design.
- Determine customer priorities for defined #### Objectives.
- Ensure that Availability, …
Normally when i need to install and update a host VIB I use Update Manager. However there is currently a bug with Cisco’s latest enic/fnic drivers that wont let you install them via UM.
I had to run these updates on over 50 hosts and I really didn’t want to have to ssh and install it manually. Lucky I remember Brian Graf’s Host Client Install Fling and borrowed some of the code to come up with the below script.
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Ever needed to modify a DVS uplink configuration from ESXi Shell? I am currently troubleshooting some issues with DVS uplinks no longer being assigned on reboot.
As a heads up. If you are doing this on ESXi 6.0.. don’t. It can cause an issue with the proxy DVS having different ID than the actual DVS causing my original issue, still working with VMware Support to find out more details.
After “Restoring Network Configuration” a few too many times, I finally realized I could just add the uplinks back via CLI until support can figure out why this is occurring, here are the …
Read MoreEver wonder why a VM isn’t on the network?
I was working on deploying some test VM’s and for some reason all the VM’s that were cloned decided to start with the network disconnected, and the connect on power on was also not selected.
I decided to throw together this quick one-liner that will make sure every VM is set to start connected on power on and is currently connected.
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Have you ever worked with a Horizon View pool with 10 VM’s and deleted 3 and it recreated as 11? May want to pay attention to learn how you can reuse view desktop names.
First you will need to connect to the ADAM database on one of your servers. Use KB2012377 for instructions.
To connect to the View ADAM database:
- Log in to one of the View Connection Servers as Domain Administrator.
- Click Start > Administrative Tools > ADSI Edit.
- In the console window, right-click ADSI Edit and click Connect to.
- In the Name field type:
- View ADAM Database
- Select Select or type a Distinguished …
Section 1 of the VCP6-DCV blueprint
Objective 1.1: Configure and Administer Role-based Access Control
Compare and contrast propagated and explicit permission assignments
- An example of a propagated permission:
- Most inventory objects inherit permissions from a single parent object in the hierarchy. For example, a datastore inherits permissions from either its parent datastore folder or parent data center. Virtual machines inherit permissions from both the parent virtual machine folder and the parent host, cluster, or resource pool simultaneously.
- An example of an explicit permission: …
- An example of a propagated permission:
Section 10 of the VCP6-DCV blueprint
Objective 10.1: Configure Advanced vSphere Virtual Machine Settings
- Determine how using a shared USB device impacts the environment
- Configure virtual machines for vGPUs, DirectPath I/O and SR-IOV
- Configure virtual machines for multicore vCPUs
- Differentiate virtual machine configuration settings
- Interpret virtual machine configuration files (.vmx) settings
- Enable/disable advanced virtual machine settings
Objective 10.2: Create and Manage a Multi-site Content Library
- Publish a content catalog
- Subscribe to a published catalog
- Determine which privileges are …
Section 2 of the VCP6-DCV blueprint
Objective 2.1: Configure Advanced Policies/Features and Verify Network Virtualization Implementation
Create/Delete a vSphere Distributed Switch
- In the vSphere Web Client, navigate to a data center.
- In the navigator, right-click the data center and select Distributed Switch > New Distributed Switch.
- In Name and Location, type a name for the new distributed switch, or accept the generated name, and click Next.
- In Select version, select a distributed switch version and click Next.
- In Edit Settings configure the distributed switch settings.
- Use the arrow …
Section 3 of the VCP6-DCV blueprint
Objective 3.1: Manage vSphere Storage Virtualization
- Discover new storage LUNs
- Configure FC/iSCSI/FCoE LUNs as ESXi boot devices
- Create an NFS share for use with vSphere
- Enable/Configure/Disable vCenter Server storage filters
- Configure/Edit hardware/dependent hardware initiators
- Enable/Disable software iSCSI initiator
- Configure/Edit software iSCSI initiator settings
- Configure iSCSI port binding
- Enable/Configure/Disable iSCSI CHAP
- Determine use cases for fiber channel zoning
- Compare and contrast array thin provisioning and virtual disk thin provisioning …