Did you know you could get host your own blog on Ravello Systems? Its actually quite easy and even easier with Jekyll. Jekyll is a great static content platform perfect for hosting your blog. It is all based on html/css/markdown and requires absolutely no database. Please use my previous [blog]({% post_url 2015-09-08-how-to-deploy-a-jekyll-blog %}) on how to get it deployed. Disclaimer: This is in no way supported or recommended by Ravello Systems, running this 24x7 even with 1CPU will consume most of your free trial/vExpert hours.
Read MoreSo after getting my blog up and running I figured I would do a quick how-to, on how to get a blog up and running. Its actually something you can do in less than 15 minutes. 1~ $ gem install jekyll 2~ $ jekyll new myblog 3~ $ cd myblog 4~/myblog $ jekyll serve 5# => Now browse to http://localhost:4000 and you will see the blog running! Easy Enough? Now how do you create a blog post?
Read MoreNew Blog Platform! I have had a bit of issues with performance on my blog recently and looking on how to not overpay for hosting services. A good friend of mine suggested using Jekyll and GitHub Pages, so I took the challenge. Within a day I was able to get my blog posts exported from Wordpress and published on a new platform and it was quite simple! Be on the lookout for some upcoming posts.
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